Article : Aamnagar: Introduction
Aamnagar is a story about a dog named Tutul and a boy named Boltu. Bose, the new inspector in Aamnagar, finds a stray puppy and adopts it. He introduces the dog to his son, Boltu, as a new family memb...
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Article : Chapter-2 Take Me Home: Triceratops
It has three horns on its head, one over each eye, and one on its snout.Triceratops had an elaborate head frill. The frill served as a shield for the neck and head.The Triceratops had a bird-like beak...
Article : Chapter-1 Save The Egg: Utahraptor
It had four-toed feet; the second toe had a 9-15 inch sickle-like claw and the other toes had smaller claws.Its long tail had bony rods running along the spine giving it rigidity.It was a fast-moving,...