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Paramita Goswami is a contemporary landscape painter who lives and works in West Bengal. A native of West Bengal, her colorful paintings pay homage to her homeland. Her distinctive personal style emanates joy and peace and expresses the vibrant spirit and atmosphere of the Bengal culture.
Picturesque Landscape, Figurative, Floral, Realistic Paintings are all brought to life with contrasting and harmonious colors and bold compositions.
As a child Paramita received prizes for her innate talent. From a young age, she has believed, “You can create anything once you see it in your mind.” She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Economics (Honours) from the University of Calcutta and a Master’s degree in the same subject. Currently, she is working in the capacity of Purchase Executive (Senior) in a Pvt Ltd Company.
Throughout her life, Paramita has always been fascinated by paintings and how the world is represented through the eyes of others. Naturally, she was drawn to paint on canvas. The interest was cultivated during her child’s age and further developed when she opted to take her Bachelors’s Degree.
Her palette is innovative and complex. He mixes more than 15 different oil paints to create every color in her painting.
Due to the large scale of her paintings, her pictorial scheme appears to extend beyond our peripheral vision. She is an optical illusionist whose art defies special limitations.
She believes that "Drawing is one of the best ways to express anyone’s view i.e created in their mind canvas”.
" My themes are traditionally Indian and nature & environment play an important part in it. The nature of rural Bengal and its vibrant vegetation cast a spell on me, and inspired me to bring out the softness of nature in its varied forms" Paramita says.
Instagram: paramitagoswami11
Paramita has showcased her works in exhibitions and group shows in India and the International platforms.
Paramita Goswami has received many awards like the International Winter Art carnival, Kajarai Art Award & National and International Group, and Solo Art Exhibitions.